25. Danton's Finger

25. Danton's Finger

In this episode my attention has been captured by a gesture, a  finger - the pointing finger of the sculpture of Danton causing me to wonder why and where is he pointing or rather what is he pointing at?  and I have not been disappointed with my discoveries.  With the help of this statue let us go back to the time time to the revolution and examine the unlovely face and complicated story of George Jacques Danton; one time hero of the revolution only to then be turned on by his former allies and sentenced to his death.  His famous last words to the executioner before he was guillotined were ‘don't forget to show them my head it's worth it’   and i think he was probably right, so come with me to find out more about Danton, the man, the statue and the finger…..

26 & 27. Charlotte & Marat

26 & 27. Charlotte & Marat

24. Ducks & Dragons

24. Ducks & Dragons